BIM Development / Consulting Questionnaire Name * First Name Last Name Email * 1. If we could solve one urgent issues in a short amount of time, what would that be? * 2. How many active projects do you typically handle at any give time? * 3. How many EXPERT Revit users does your firm currently have? * 4. How many INTERMEDIATE Revit users does your firm currently have? * 5. How many BEGINNER Revit users does your firm currently have? * 6. Please select areas you might be interested in developing in the short term * Revit Template Content Development (Families) Detail Library Sample (Go-by) Set Training Material Project Support (Production) BIM Management on Projects 7. What are some other areas you would like to develop in the short term? * 8. How many hours of support a month do you think we should provide? This is for us to get a general idea. * Up to 20 20-30 30-40 Over 50 Please add any additional comments (optional). Thank you!