2D Mapping

Drones allow us to capture and map property for both visual and more technical purposes. Often online mapping services don't show enough detail and measurements are not accurate. 2D maps, also known as orthomosaics, provide a representation of the land that can be measured and used to lay data on top of it.

Here are some applications of 2D mapping:

  • Georeference Background imagery for architectural and planning projects

  • Data Collection (agricolture, mining, etc...)

  • Property layout and staging for event venues

How it works

Discovery: we discuss your needs and give you a quote.
No commitment at this point. Once the fee and schedule are approved we can start preparing the mission.

Preparation: we gather all info and do our due diligence to make sure it is safe and legal to fly over your property.

Execution: We fly the mission based on the strategy we laid out. Depending on the project we may require multiple missions.

Delivery: After processing the data we deliver the imagery.


Commercial Construction Site Mapping

2D/3D Mapping and Marketing Media for a job site in Austin, TX

Timber Rose Bed and Breakfast

2D and 3D Mapping of a 40-acre property in the Fredericksburg, TX area.